He gets mad and adds his other arm to the beam, making it stronger.
James' hair flashes gray too, and he does the same.
The two beams clash even harder, but Shams' beam seems to be more powerful.
Then the beams disappear and both rush at each other.
They punch each other in the face at the same time.
They both go flying back, both of their hairs have reverted back to normal.
They both shake on the floor.
Son of Zeus: It has finished in a tie.
Shams, barely speaking “A-A tie? I won't accept a tie!”
He stands up and charges a light blast.
James looks at Shams and also charges a light blast.
Son of Odin: That's enough. Go back to your seats. It has finished in a tie and we have decided that James will stay, but he won't be able to participate in any decisions.
Daughter of Ra: Why did you invite him anyways? Did you know about this, Ryan?
Son of Zeus, Ryan: No. I had suspicions, he was the one to defeat Heipokalypsis, and to win that Multiversal tournament.
Did you know that Shams could transform like that, Shana?
Daughter of Ra, Shana: No… he never transformed. But are you sure this is the Divine Warrior?
Ryan: Hey you, James. Transform again.
James: But I don't have any energy le-
James was hit by a weird white ball, he recovered all his energies.
Ryan: Transform. Now.
He transforms into a divine warrior, still shocking everyone around him.
Shana opens a book.
Shana: Everything matches with the description. Hair changes color. Body grows larger. An aura appears.
James reverts back to base form as Ryan takes back the energy he gave him.
The meeting continues.
They talk about the war, seemingly ignoring all about James and Shams.
They decide that they will try to stop the war.
The meeting is closed.
This actually lasted a couple hours, not counting the fight.
On his way out, James was tapped on the shoulder by Shams.
“This wont be the last of me. I'll win next time” and Shams walks out.
Oracle: I mean, he did surprise me too. He had no previous training or knew about the Divine Warrior like you. He just transformed.
James: Keep an eye on him.
Oracle: Sure…~
James returns home, gets yelled at by the wife because he made her worry and eats dinner.
The end.