I ended my last comment with asking you to ask me how I know that the climate change narrative is bullshit. And as no surprise to me. You didn't bother asking. Instead, you answer back with more lazy, tribalist, non-substantive, dismissals. This was expected but I was hoping for better.... *Eyeroll*
I never said: All environmental activism is a hoax. Just the Climate change narrative... oh, and the Alternative energy crap is mostly nonsense.
Once again, If you read my previous comment in full, you'd have a better understanding for where I'm coming from. I'm not a conservative and I'm not a "Pro-Trump" guy Per se..... While my posts are almost all favoring Trump at this moment. It's only because Trump just so happens to be the one current candidate that is correct on most of the issues.
I asked you to ask me how I know that the climate change is is bullshit. So, I'll ask again...... Ask me how I know....