It’s like the 5 stages of grief but used to justify genocide. They’re first in denial about it, then project their mistakes onto Hamas out of anger, then try to bargain by saying that the refugee camp with a population of up to hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees actually needed to be bombed because a person of interest just *might* have been there you never know, then they’re depressed as they realize people aren’t buying into their bs story and try to divert people’s attention elsewhere, then they finally accept that people know about it and it gets included in “Israel”’s definition of “self defense”, which of course if you disagree with then you’re antisemitic/antijewish.
Maybe it was a little bit of a stretch to relate anger and depression in the 5 stages of grief to elements in the Hasbara cycle, but they’re pretty similar aside from that. It’s just that they’re grieving about global imperialism collapsing, taking their illegitimate “state” with.