So, you want to provide for everyone off the hard work and earnings of "some rich assholes"?
Question for you... how did those assholes become rich? I don't consider myself rich, but I'm about $100k away from owning a home outright in a prime location in silicon valley. So that asset alone probably qualifies me as rich in the minds of people like you and Bernie Sanders (who considers a lot of people with less money than he has to be rich... oh the irony...)
The only reason I'm in that position is because my wife and I worked our asses off (we both started dirt poor) and succeeded with a small business, and in my case keeping a 40/hr a week job along with that small business. All of this despite our state and local govts which have done nothing but put roadblocks in our way, and charge us excessive amounts for licensing, fees, etc.
So you really should ask yourself what would motivate people like us to do what we did, if we just have to turn over the fruits of our incredibly hard labor to an unconstitutional govt so that it could give our money to you and the other people you want to provide for?
Also sadly ironic for you, is that once the poor steal from the rich, as socialism requires, the rich slowly start to become poor. Then, according to your ethos, they too should be 'provided for', right?
So that dream of yours, of a never ending supply of money that you're likely counting on, will run out, soon, very soon.
Socialism is a self-defeating concept.