Oh trust me, you would be surprised how nazis and Hamas are the same, you just need to open your eyes. "There's 0 evidence of a Genocide being committed by Hamas" Just as there 0 evidence of Israel committing genocide, because you get them from propaganda sources, just like the same propaganda image you keep recycling in your arguments. "counter-attacks against Zionist aggression." So, when Israel invades Gaza, it genocide, but when Hamas attacks and kills Israeli civilians, its rising up to the aggressors. The hypocrisy rises everyday. "It's their home, they fight because the Zionists forced the Palestinians to resist." This was not Palestine's home, sorry to break it to you. Have you heard of, everyone loves the sweat lie, but hate the ugly truth? That perfectly describes you. And if you try to say me, just remember, your getting really lazy with your arguments. Palestine is a modern invention. Palestine isn't even an Arab name, because notice when the Arabs colonized this land, it was never called, Palestine, but only when the British controlled this land, they converted it to Palestine. "And the Zionists helped create and foster Hamas" Trust me, the Palestinians elected Hamas, not Israel, Biden is the closest Hamas supporter. This is a war between Gods chosen people (Israel) and god's chosen terrorists, (Palestine). "Repeating the same LIES, over and over, doesn't make them true." I love that you always describe yourself, and always get mad when i debunk your BS. "But the released hostage was eating better than most Gazans," Im going to say a hard cap, as 1, she looks incredibly malnourished, and 2, she could easily be lying or have been paid, or both, tranquilly. "didn't r*pe, sexually abuse or shame or harm her." The rape victims in October 7th will say otherwise my friend, speaking of which, a girl named Hei lo ku, would heavily disagree with you. As her body was seen going around the streets of Gaza, and everyone in Gaza cheered for her death. Not so victim action if you ask me. "It's despicable that you'd now turn around and baselessly slander a fellow Zionist" Im going to say a hard cap on that, as again, propaganda source, as always. Honestly, who are you trying to fool? "When has Biden ever armed Hamas?" When $8 Billion dollars in aid went to Gaza, where did they go? Into Hamases pockets, thats were, non was given to Gazans. Even Gazans are protesting against Hamas. You make one good propagandist, i will give you that.