idk, I guess I somewhat forgive the guy. A lot of the complaints (clips from movies that are either inaccurate or go against the current point Doktor Skipper was attempting to bring up) had to do with the editors-if you look in the description, he has a list of editors that made the video. And no, do not go harassing these people-they're still super talented editors that managed to hook my goofy ADHD ass on watching the whole video with a bunch of goofy memes, even though it's horribly researched. If the video was properly researched, it might actually be a great video to introduce people to the Godzilla franchise. Heck, he's even making fun of the video. It's sort of become a running gag on his channel, which, in general, is pretty well researched. Honestly, Godzilla is a gigantic franchise to research. Most of the most essential parts of his history are not available on streaming services. (The Return of Godzilla, for example. On YouTube, there's literally no clips at all.) It's way easier to research a franchise like COD, where you can buy all the games on PC-in fact, Skipper actually made a pretty good video right after Godzilla's electric boogaloo on COD-talking about Godzilla in COD for a brief moment without touching too much on the franchise. In general, I think the Godzilla video just summarizes that, no matter what, your channel will have videos people won't like-what's important is learning from the feedback.