In order to qualify as a candidate to represent California in the US House of Representatives (and/or Senate), one must be 25 years of age, a US Citizen, and a Resident in the state of California. For election years 2004, 2006, and 2008, Adam Schiff was not a resident of the State of California, evidenced by the 2003 sale of his home at 425 Amhurst Dr, Burbank CA and subsequent purchase of “Primary Residence” at 8204 Winsor View Terrace, Potomac Maryland, 28054. California Election Code §349(a) “’residence’ for voting purposes means a person’s domicile (b) The domicile of a person is that place in which his or her habitation is fixed, wherein the person has the intention of remaining, and to which, whenever he or she is absent, the person has the intention of returning. At a given time, a person may have only one domicile”. Adam Schiff, knowingly and willfully registering as a candidate while being a resident of Maryland would constitute a violation subject to California Election Code §18203 “[a]ny person who files or submits for filing a nomination paper or declaration of candidacy knowing that it or any part of it has been made falsely is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment. . .”. Further, Adam and Eve Schiff remained registered voters in California despite being residents of Maryland from 2003. CA Elec Code §18560(a) [a person] “Not being entitled to vote at an election, fraudulently votes or fraudulently attempts to vote at that election” is subject to imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code for 16 months or two or three years, or in a county jail not exceeding one year.
Adam Schiff should not be running for US Senate in California. He is ineligible. He should be charged for election crimes.