I mean they aren't
I'm Christian and I think homosexuality is a-ok
but on every post that asks like "is homosexuality ok"
he goes "WELL it's OKAY but Y'KNOW this book says you will suffer for an eternity for it"
decision to surgically transition?? yeah it's not necessary in every case and some trans people don't wanna do it, but others do
and if they wanna do it it isn't your problem
Yeah. cuz you hang out with Nazi's dude. Ofc you're not going to know about actual trans people. Go get a transgender friend. Christ was friends with prostitutes. You wanna be like him? Start being friends with "sinners" and stop hanging out with "Pharisees".
That's what I thought. stop prioritizing your politics over God. Trans people have always existed and they always will. Jesus himself has female chromosomes as a man.