Yes they're Muslims. No they're not terrorists. Just because your Uncle Sa(tan)mantha portrays them as "terrorists" and portrats the subversive, parasitical, pedophile, zoophile, vampire, terrorist and rapist genocidal butcher capital of the world as "tEh oNlY dEmOcRaCy iN tEh mIdDlE eAsT!!!" doesn't automatically mean it's a fact, media is something and reality is a whole different thing. Imagine calling the people that you kicked out of their lands and stole their lands and committed TENS OF MASSACRES against and then founded Hamas as a resistance organization in response as "tErRoRiStS!!!"
Hilarious how you picked the worst image for your stereotypist views and propaganda. This image doesn't evoke emotions of "terrorists," it only evokes emotions of "badasses."
Any photos of the ((("40 babies beheaded by Hamas!"))) yet? Still think your Uncle Sa(tan)mantha that you worship and suckle white phosphorus and napalm from her prosthetic TV breasts that she calls "nEwS" is a "gOdDeSs tHaT nEvEr lIeS!!!" that fed you this lie in the first place? And BTW, the Jewess who came up with the "hAmAs rApE" hoax also turned out to be a fraud named (((Cochav Elkayam-Levy))).