Yeah, fun fact: that way of learning was literally used to train child labor.
Basically, the ability to remember and regurgitate stuff was literally training children to go work and be able to remember and repeat specific actions and orders without needing to get knowledge about stuff outside of the workplace, such as unions, better working conditions, etc.
Also, with stuff like Google, for non-specialized jobs, all you really need to know is the basic things you need to learn in the first place, and how to research reliably (primary and secondary sources, how to find biased sources, how to fact check, etc.) You'd probably have a better understanding of those topics anyways, because schools also are perfectly fine with banning books if some brain-damaged, entitled white soccer mom says they don't like a book for any slight thing that offends them. Also, the memory aspect of school only applies to school, or at least the environment you learned it in. There's been quite a few studies, including one in the 70s over in Scotland where a few people learned something on the beach, and a few learned it underwater. The moment the people on shore went underwater to test on the subject, they forgot most of it. There's a lot more to the study, but I think you get my point. School only teaches you to regurgitate curated information in the same place you learned it in. Handy for working 24/7 in a claustrophobic coal mine for minimum wage, but not handy for much else.