[Title: "Meet the S.A.S" along with meet the team music cue]
[A narrator with a deep, authoritative voice begins to speak]
Narrator: "In the heart of the United Kingdom, where shadows dance and danger lurk, there exists an elite group of warriors known as the Special Air Service, or S.A.S as you wish."
[Cut to a bustling mess hall where the S.A.S team members are gathered, gearing up for their next mission. In the center of the room stands Henry WellMann and other S.A.S members]
Narrator: "First up, we have Henry WellMann, the seasoned veteran of the team. With decades of experience under his belt and a glowing gas mask, Henry's seen it all and lived to tell the tale."
[Henry, with a mischievous glint in his eye, is shown meticulously packing his gear while simultaneously trying to swipe snacks from his unsuspecting comrades.]
Henry: "Oi, anyone seen my chocolate ration? Ah, screw it, found it!"
[Cut to the training grounds, where the S.A.S team is undergoing rigorous physical exercises. Amidst the chaos, Henry stands out, effortlessly outmaneuvering his younger counterparts with a combination of skill and sheer luck.]
Narrator: "Despite his age, Henry's still got moves that would put a cat to shame. Whether it's scaling cliffs or dodging enemy fire, he's always one step ahead."
[As Henry performs a daring acrobatic maneuver, he accidentally trips over his own shoelaces and tumbles headfirst into a mud puddle, much to the amusement of his teammates.]
Henry: [Sputtering and covered in mud] "Just testing the waters, lads! All part of the plan, you see!"
[Cut to a briefing room, where the S.A.S team is receiving their orders for their next mission. Henry, ever the joker, can't resist cracking a joke even in the face of danger.]
Henry: "So, what's the plan, boss? Storm the castle, rescue the damsel, and then grab a pint at the local pub?"
[The team chuckles, but their leader, Bravo 6-4, shoots Henry a stern look before outlining the seriousness of the mission.]
Bravo 6-4:are you serious Henry? well, I had fun with your mom.
[Tf2 outro theme]