Russia is as strong as it was at the beginning of the conflict. They are producing more and more vehicles and weapons, and Russia is the world's #1 producer of gas and a few other natural resources. If you ask me, Russia is not getting harmed economically. Militarily, maybe a little. But not so much economically. The world's embargo of Russia just backfired upon those nations, especially seen with the rapidly rising gas prices in the USA. Russia's pride is not ruined, it is rising every day (especially with Victory Day on 9 May approaching). Russia does not have a full military conscription, as it has a large supply of soldiers still unlike Ukraine. And the Siberians are for the most part supportive of Putin.
I think we should just not argue as much anymore, as it wastes both of ours's time. You can keep supporting Ukraine, I can't stop you or change your mind unless you decide to do so yourself. If you want to support a different side than me, then you can do so. If you want to argue, we can still do it but try to do it less. Anyways, have a good day until our next argument (if there will be one)!