Can anybody tell me how I "Insulted" the user with this meme ?
The top is the meme, the bottom was my comment, intended to AGREE with him, and expand on the theme ! Yet i got 8 hours for that.
I can explain. It's caused by a severe feeling of superiority to the point that anything a conservative says or does becomes such an insult to the perpetual virtue signallers of the world. So to feel good about themselves they label you and feel that they have been virtuous in saving someone from the imagined slight. This is caused by a great deal of mental illness on the virtue signallers part. It's something they just can't shake not even with a gram of weed nor a strong shot of whiskey. Some people call them sickos others like me just call them retards.
"LOOK", this could've been a TEACHABLE MOMENT for this young man, if you folks didn't go back so far just to harass him that he doesn't even remember what he said, and then delete it to boot !