Everyone who has and is existing on our planet Earth must leave the websites that they've (tried to) make funner and more enjoyable for us sooner or later, even when that includes The Legends, the Childhood YouTubers, the Average-Joes, and even us. Gummy_Axolotl can't stay here forever, MatPat couldn't stay forever, and even Markiplier will eventually take his leave, too.
These people can't stay here forever, and we all must accept that and attempt to cherish every moment we've had with them from the day we met them to the day they leave for good, gone elsewhere...
I know that this may be hard for all of us, as it's really happening and it's unfortunate that Gummy_Axolotl seems to be leaving Imgflip so soon, but ere to this conclusion as I've told you and to everyone else who may be reading this speech, we must accept and cherish the moments that they've created for all of us.
So let's say our final farewells to Gummy and they depart from the website of Imgflip and keep them in memory. For as long as we live (or at least for as long as we can). Goodbye Gummy_Axolotl, we will all miss you dearly!