That may be the view in the echo chamber. In the real world, not so much. November is shaping up nicely for Democrats everywhere. It is not a "Blue Wave," or in landslide area yet. But affordable healthcare and reasonable access to Birth Control and abortion appear to favor Dems over MAGA by a sizeable margin. If the economy was not so strong, inflation might be more of an issue than it is. It is a political problem, but less than people on the right are making it out to be.
Both parties' cadres are rigidly entrenched. The more Trump "acts out," the more ground the GOP will lose. The MAGA crazies no longer appeal to "moderates" and are fading fast. The Republicans i the house are looking for ways to make deals with Democrats so that they don't do more damage in Ukraine and elsewhere. That puts them at odds with Trump. A showdown is looming. Being unable to govern without Putin's blessing is not a good thing for GOPers in the House. All of this bad news for MAGA is good news for Democrats
The party that makes the fewest big errors and convinces more working people that they have their interests at heart, will have the best results in November. It appears less likely that a legal case or impeachment will make an impact. Whoever can appear more "normal," in the ensuing months should snag the lion's share of the "undecided."