I guess so, just makes it more work for Gas Mask to reach the main target, but Gas Mask cannot attack Worker Drones, but he can attack Mercenaries as they're ordered to kill everything, innocent and guilty, so those mercs gotta go. There's also Destroyed Drones that prey on everything and can only be killed by decapitation, their bites can also kill unarmored victims in one bite, armored victims require another bite or two, if they can get the Destroyed Drone off them, of course. Their bites aren't infectious, but they do prevent wounds from healing for two full weeks, so keep gauze handy, and keep lots of instant health utilities on hand if you get bitten. Any attack on a Destroyed Drone does nada, and will not kill them. Even if they drop dead from a shotgun blast to their frontal lobe, they will wait for someone to get close by and they will feast. They travel in thick hordes as well, so forget about planning Single strikes, but they are distracted by Flares, loud sounds, etc.