I'd put myself more in the demiromantic or greyromantic category but yea the vast majority of people who have told me were wasting their time big time and being absolutely silly. And it can get really uncomfortable sometimes.
A few years ago, I had a guy I hadn't even met in person yet try to tell me he was my soulmate once and that was entirely awkward. It's like, first off, no you aren't, but if you somehow actually were you'd know not to do this crap and how uncomfortable you’re making me feel. I dabble working in the entertainment field and with making art & t-shirts so he was also reaching out to me for those reasons too. He's on a semi-popular ghost hunter show (not going to name names) and he wanted me to make art that they could use on merch for the Christmas season and maybe appear in the show for a few episodes and if I was liked enough, maybe I could appear more often. So basically he wanted my talent and I'm pretty sure, if I had to guess, he was also trying to get something else on the side if I got involved with the show… Unless he was actually genuine about me potentially romantically, but even then the answer is still no thanks to that… It could have been a really good career move for me to be part of that show, but he made me feel really uncomfortable just talking over text & social media. I don't even want to guess how uncomfortable he would have made me in person. So long story short, I didn't end up doing it.