Serial Designation Z (the problem with making Disassembly Drone OCs is that there's only 36 letters in the alphabet).
He's a good guy, though he used to be pretty damn sadistic, even putting V's quote "And yet, I still feel nothing" to shame. He has a streak of read in his otherwise silver hair. He wears an outfit near identical to N's. He shares the same features as other male MDs, except he has red eyes and red lights on his headband. My original concept of Z was that he was a clone of N who was never used. My current version of Z is being used for a fanfic on AO3, so if you could use the original concept, that would be appreciated (that is, if I'm lucky enough to be chosen).
His personality is that of a protective boyfriend (especially since he has a girlfriend), and he will religiously fight anyone who dares threaten the Worker Drones. He tries to push the idea onto other MDs that if they kill all the Worker Drones, there won't be any oil left, and all the MDs will die out in an attempt to get more MDs on his side, but so far, it hasn't worked at all. Still, he's (mostly) hopeful that someone will see his logic... eventually...