Team Biden's badnews-squared to be sure; additionally, my research reveals that NatSocs restricted guns for Jews, but not for all Germans: firearm clubs and gun ownership thrived during their reign.
I've watched church services from then too. NatSoc leadership often also invoked the Divine, perhaps cynically sometimes, but they didn't rid Germany of God.
Hadn't heard about Bibles getting burned, but I do know that a student group organized a book burning featuring transgenderism and pornographic material; the one from that famous video which folks love to REEEEE about but don't know or won't tell us what got burned. Same brains that oppose haaaaaaaate and extreeeeeeeemism yet can't argue why it's okay for Amazon[dot]conjob to deplatform peaceful rated-PG–or tamer authors, while they simultaneously sell and even promote openly violent material.
That's the short-comment version. Hahaha. I've studied NatSoc Germany and Soviet Russia in depth; my current understanding and thinking there, along with Biden's myriad appointments who despise Whites, has me thinking the Bolsheviks, not the NatSocs, may be the better descriptor for Biden's handlers, facilitators, and shock-troops. Either way: Respect, Ry; appreciate your looking out for America. Americans who know--don't want the US to experience the worst right-wing or left-wing excesses from the twentieth century.