This ( is 1.95 seconds long. I inputted this image (, and made it cover the entire image ( from 55 to 100, which means it would cover 45% of the video, or about .9 seconds of that 1.95 seconds, while I still wanted it to stay 1.95 seconds long.
This worked (see, but after trying to paste that link into the gif generator, the link was 1.1 seconds long instead of it being the 1.95 seconds like I wanted (see, where the "you should kill yourself now" image in the gif was only showing for a brief amount of time (~.1 seconds) instead of it normally being nearly 2 seconds long. It also scales if you make the "you should kill yourself now" image which covers all of the gif different percentages like 80% of the video or 10% of the video instead - those times the lengths of the gif were respectively 0.45 seconds for covering 80% of the video (see and 1.8 seconds for covering 10% of the video (see It seems the gif generator just in general doesn't want the "you should kill yourself now" image to stay for long on the gif, which definitely seems like a glitch.