If it took you that long to read, then consider that your school teachers have failed you and should give the $20,000/yr they steal from taxpayers back to your parents to homeschool you, give a you a good personal tutor, or something of that nature.
And since the public schools have failed to care about you enough to educate you in basic things, then why would you adopt their complex 'scientific' (and religious) beliefs about God, the universe, and the purposes of the world around us?
As for baptism, how can a mentally handicapped person even understand the gravity of the situation they are entering into, or how to pursue a holy life? They can't make any decisions about getting dressed for themselves, let alone how to live righteously. So why do many churches demand a personal decision, if there are those who cannot make them? Because those churches lead a works-based covenant that is supported by legal aged donors who can give money and time, and they care nothing for the children except that they will hopefully one day fill the coffers too.
In truth, the biblical premise of salvation is that we are all utterly incapable of saving ourselves—just like an infant. No person is in a more appropriate state for baptism than an infant, who relies 100% on their parents (as we do of our Heavenly Father) in order to protect and provide for all our needs.