You make yourself look bad. There are three types of anti-furries the chill ones, the ones that don’t make it their personality, and ones like you that do make it their personality
oh and real quick just had to quickly say this uhm i also agreed to a peace treaty that stated that anti furries and furries stop hating each other because let's be honest i'm sick of rookies making us look bad
in the comments of a furry meme so i only go through this stream to make sure nothing weird goes on and if it counts with any of you killing or just saying things about us because the rookies make us look bad of course i'm going to enter the comments
Hello, stream. I bear news for you guys that you probably already knew. Anti-furries only hate the stream because the people are different. If not that, it's because of the R34 artists. It is not your fault that people like to make art that gives furries a bad name, and the anti-furs have no right to hate on you guys just because of the artists. It's the artists alone that they should hate on, and we know it. Stay strong, my friends. And remember, any of them could be here, acting like one of us and trying to take down the stream, so I advise the mods and owners not to grant any users mod or owner. I do believe this is happening in the LGBTQ and anti LGBTQ streams as well, and none of it is right. To the anti-fur spies reading this, we know what you're doing. There's no point anymore.