Yeah the whole story of how that got together starts with a group of 5 boys harassing and groping Loona. The one groping her said "come on can you give me some of that milk?" then Altiar stepped in and said "now is that a proper question to ask a lady?" then they all looked at him and asked "who are you? The boyfriend?" then Altiar said furiously "uh f**k right off! I don't even know her! She just sits next to me in class. But I suggest you all hit the hall before you get hurt!" then the leader said "before we get hurt? Maybe you should get a reality check because last I checked there are 5 of us and one of you" then Altiar threw his binder in the air and fast as lightning knocked out one of the boys and went back to his original spot caught his binder and said "four of you" then the dumb one in the group said "what just happened?" and Altiar said "wanna see it again?" and the dumb one said "yeah" then Altiar did it again this time doing a handstand. Then the leader said "well that's some fancy footwork you got there but I think it's time to teach you a lesson. Boys, let's f**k this demon up!" then Altiar shouted "MUL QAH DIIV" and took them all down at once and went to Loona, and said "you alright?" then Loona said "I think so. Thank you. What's your name anyway?"then Altiar said "oh right! Where are my manners? My name is Altiar kronosaki." then Loona said "that name sounds deadly." then Altiar said "this is a terrible part of the school to be in! Maybe I should escort you to our next class!" then Loona said "okay I mean i trust you'll protect me!" and they've been together ever since up until the night before they were supposed to graduate.