What I think is equally bad is voting for a candidate just because the media told you to hate the other candidate.
Voting should be about voting for someone, not against someone. Sometimes that is necessary BUT you had better have done your own research into both the one you're voting for and the one you're voting against.
2020 was the best possible illustration of why you had better do your own research because there is not a single Democrat who can tell you why they hate Trump so strongly and even worse, why they voted for Biden. They made the most obvious mistake I have ever seen a Democrat make. How on earth could you ever think Biden was better than Trump. It's the most idiotic thing the Dems have ever done. There's just no excuse for that.
The worst thing is 2014 is going to be a repeat of 2020. Dems will mindlessly show up at the polls just to vote against Trump and for Biden. They still won't be able to say one factual reason why Trump is bad and they still have no clue who Biden is.