“It’s a long story, but let’s just say someone didn’t like me for some reason, and apparently firearms are the answer to everything nowadays…”
“But don’t be scared, I’m still the nice guy I was!”
Bit; Human (?); Nobody yet. Male; Cis-; 23; First time meeting Bit; The cause of his damage, whoever it was. Not exactly an ally, but may be related to my other character, Pixel. People in general are interesting to him, and he likes talking with them. He doesn’t mean to make anyone angry, and he hates when they go too far with their scolding. He has a large part of his head replaced by a robotic part, and his eye has a laser. He doesn’t really know how to fight, so skilled fighters may be able to incapacitate him. His robo-eye has a laser, which can be adjusted from simply blinding someone to escape, to burning or charring clothing or skin. He has yet to join a faction, as he only recently had repairs after the incident. A man, unknown, shot him point blank with a sawed-off, rendering him nearly dead until his replacement parts were added. He is generally friendly, always trying his hardest to help when possible. Prompt: you see him, and wonder what happened to him.