Free: It's open source, so check
Line tool: Yep
Fill tool: a bit finnicky, but is here
Square and circle tool: on the sidebar
Runs on WIN10: it runs everywhere. Mac, Windows, Linux, you name it.
it runs fine on a ThinkPad
it has a line tool, circle tool, fill tool, and square tools
it's useable on web browser
there's an optional subscription (i think)
hey y'all, haven't posted here in a while because i got bored of drawing and had to do other stuff
BUT, i got to know today that in IT class, after we're done with Excel, the next topic is vector graphics software, which is absolutely incredible timing because i've been wanting to get into vector art IF i ever get back to drawing, so this would be the perfect point in time to do so; so of course, the mandatory thing i always ask... which vector art software should i get???
my requirements are the usual: can run on W10; has line tool, fill tool, square and circle tool (these are usually present in every art software but i still include them just in case); is free (duh) with preferably no subscription or one that only adds trivial stuff