Let me explain the popular vote lie and why the founding fathers were snarter than liberals .....
Imagine a country with 3 states. Each state votes for the same 2 presidential candidates, but they use an electoral college based on population. 1 electoral vote for every million people in that state.
So State One has 4 million people. 1.5 million vote for Candidate A, and 1 million vote for Candidate B. Candidate A get those 4 electoral votes.
Now State Two has only 2 million people. 500,000 vote for Candidate A, 600,000 for Candidate B. Now Candidate B gets the 2 electoral votes.
State Three has 3 million people. 1 million vote for Candidate A, and 1.2 million vote for Candidate B. Candidate B gets their 3 electoral votes.
Candidate B wins the race with 5 electoral votes to Candidate A's 4 electoral votes.
But wait, someone who thinks you're very dumb points out a "popular vote" idea. They say 3 million people voted for Candidate A, and only 2.8 million voted for Candidate B. Therefore, more people wanted Candidate A. So you, being dumb, think for 3 seconds and decide that sounds right. There is cheating afoot! But wait, this is why the founding fathers were smarter than you.
First, if the county goes popular vote, State Two can be ignored because its population is small. So State One and Three will decide who is President. Next. If the population of State One increases, it can monopolize the vote. 1/3rd of the country picks 100% of the presidents and so on. Finally, look at percentages: 37% of the State One, 25% of State Two and 33% of State Three voted for Candidate A. Does that sound like any majority to you? Or better yet, only 33% of the entire country voted for Candidate A. So does popular vote sound like the will "of the people?" Nope, it is sinply a way to scare you into thinking your electoral process is broken, so a fraction of the population can control elections.