This may or may not relate to you, but, in my experience, people who 'willingly' identify with secular class labels and groups have been primarily influenced by secular education and medical 'experts' who use these groups as social experiments, rather than genuinely looking out for the individuals best interest, such as yourself.
"Labeling Theory posits that self-identity and the behavior of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them."
This means that, if you permit anyone—either a teacher or physician—to label you as having any condition or bent, you will unconsciously develop the symptoms of said mental condition. This is generally a bad thing, especially since there is a conflict of interest at work—either because the school teacher is paid to teach you that tripe, or the doctor makes money off of the medication he can then prescribe to you...
Either way, this subsequently destroys your autonomy and individuality, preventing you from developing your own individual characteristics and critical thinking abilities.
(ie, don't let strangers influence who you really are..)