Have you ever thought of greyromantic, like SC said? What they were referring to is cupidoromantic. Cupidoromantic means loving the aspects of a romantic relationship, like cuddling, but having more of a platonic relationship.
Greyromantic means you do have the ability to be romantically attracted to someone, but it happens rarely. It can be paired with other sexualities.
For example, me, I’m unlabelled greyromantic asexual, meaning I rarely get romantic attraction, but I still haven’t decided on what to classify as, like biromantic greyromantic, meaning when you rarely get romantic attraction, it’s to two or more genders.
Demiromantic is having a romantic attraction, but only with people you have an emotional bond to, like a close friend.
Sorry for the essay but yeah! I like to call my self a gay pro ✌️😎 (some people really need to use google)