"YOU" Rizu exclaims
Nacla jumps, and when she sees Rizu, she settles down
"Oh, its only you"
Rizu throws an icicle at her neck, which she catches
"I don't have time for this"
"What do you mean?!"
"I don't care about you anymore" Nacla snarls
Saike walks over, shoes clicking on the pavement like chalk on a chalkboard
"What's going o-"
He sees Nacla, unsheathes Kuroba, and slashes at her arm, shattering it
"Heh" Saike chuckles to himself
But after a couple seconds, the arm reforms from the salt
"Its not that easy"
"Shut up"
Nacla's surrounded, Rizu blocking the exit, and Saike is behind Nacla, in the alley
"Heh, I know how to beat you, blood god"
"Oh really, what's that?"
Nacla looks him in the eye, and Saike feels a rush of fear and trauma, and starts freaking out, getting flashbacks
"Good, I like seeing you in pain"
Rizu tries to slash at her new robotics, but Nacla dodges, and kicks her away
She runs away, while Rizu is a bit discombobulated, but when she gets up, she tries to follow Nacla, and she sees her down the street, and sprints after her