A long time ago, when the Twin Towers still existed and 56k modems and 5 minutes of your time was all you needed to see a single pic of naked chick online, Dems and the GOP were fighting about school lunches. It was THE news. Everyone was talking about it. What was the deal? Increasing school lunch funds. Did both sides want to increase the funding? Yes. Dems wanted a bigger increase than the GOP, but increasing the funding was never off the table. What was the fight about? Dems were trying a propaganda technique of reporting the GOP funding as a cut, because it was a smaller increase than the Dem's increase. Biden's economy decades later is trying the same thing. It costs 66% more to buy a buritto at Chipotle than when Biden took office. But my salary did not increase 66% since Biden took over. That is Bidenflation folks.