They might improve the marketing of their mission statement with an Acronym.
For More Virtue Signals, this group is self marketing as a loving, amazing promoter of the well being of humanity... Physical, Social, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.
Wellness, now that is wonderful !!! So kind, caring and loving that one imagines they
are setting up their Mission for the betterment of our SMALL SMALL WORLD for promotion of:
Friendship, Unity, Caring, & Kindness.
SOURCES for further reading to learn and understand. and donate for tax exemption for the cause:
"Our Mission, promoting the well-being of humanity throughout the world, remains unchanged since 1913. Today, that mission requires us to find and scale solutions to advance opportunity and reverse the climate crisis." -Rockefeller Foundation
Just what constitutes the perception of human overpopulation so to "discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective." quote of Margaret Sanger...
Is a MAGA EXTREMIST a mentally defective person in the mind of President Joe Biden?
Who decides what people fit what category? What is the consensus criteria?
Is it AOC or the Rockefeller Foundation that gets to define & formulate the Climate Crisis Globally?
This might be considered dangerous.