The farmers have been trying to talk with the German government for years now... but they have been ignored... leaving them no other option but to protest! It is largely about paying added "carbon" taxes for buying fuel for their farm vehicles! That extra carbon tax will ruin them! The Canadian government also did this to the Canadian truckers' protest... as did the Dutch government to their farmers' protest. It is as if all of the liberal governments in the West are taking one stand (funded and influenced by an unseen figure or figures in the background) to destroy the West, strip Westerners of their independent spirit & innovation, and mold it into an unattainable socialist eutopia... with their citizen dependent on them for everything!
And all of these liberal/socialist governments (Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands) have accused their truck drivers and farmers of one thing... RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS! It is as if they were taking the lead from a scripted book created for them!