Israel has the quiet support of Saudi Arabia to wipe out Hamas... because the Saudis want peace throughout that region and Hamas and its sponsors are a hindrance to this plan!
Not many people understand this... but the war between Israel and hamas is just a small nuisance war within a much larger war!
Meaning the cold war (hot when they are using their proxies) between Saudi Arabia (Sunni muslims) and Iran (Shia muslims)!
Iran does NOT want peace between Israel and the Saudis (which translates to peace between the Jews and the Sunni muslims... or peace between the Jews and 90%of the muslim world).
This would mean a powerful peace grouping and a pact that the Iranian mullahs do not want... as it would largely mean much more influence for the Saudis that would help them tremendously in their battle with the Iranian mullahs!