Just to be clear, I am technically against furries.
I must clarify this because you, as a person, fail to realise the following facts:
1. JacobCyclone specified multiple times that the wording was unfortunate.
2. It has been said multiple times that he is not a zoophile, yet you keep spamming.
3. You are not contributing to anything with that. All you do is wasting electricity, chemical energy of your body and time you could spend touching grass or sleeping.
3.1. These spam comments do not contribute to our progress as a community, nor do they hinder or support any progress on the behalf of the Furry community. What you are doing is proof that you, as a person, have failed in being the person you want to be: Someone who contributes to eradicate zoophilia. The only thing you do currently is prevent progress by impeding communication between the two sides, stopping us from ever finding aggreements.
With that out of the way, please cease to send any more of these images.