Enjoy your Trump Derangement Syndrome.
You might want to get that looked at...
Not crying about that Reality TV Thespian Chump losing the 2020 election. Concerned that the election had to use the Pandemic excuse to do it, by skirting around specific election provisions spelled out in the Constitution; yet.
Even Trumpty Dumpty is Certainly not as sad as Queen Clinton & her supporters were in 2016 when she LOST to him. Again, Camelot 2-Hillary LOST to the Reality TV "Grabber".
Who is worse, The Mean Tweets Orange Man, or Radical Soviet Style Economy advocates in Biden, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, The Squad, Red Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren? Reality TV Trumpster Triggers Libtards thus giving their life purpose to gift something to distract them from noticing the corrupt politicians in their own backyard. He's the WEF Ying to their Yang, an Antagonist for their Protagonist. They are ALL steering Free Speech and Free Thought into a Global Bucket.
Just concerned at the low depths people like you are willing to go in the name of DEMOCRACY
to stop the Orange Lowlife from even running against your Corrupt chump that somehow "earned" The Most Popular Votes Ever in the History of The Republic, whilst manipulating more than Rutherford B. Hayes to creep into office. It's not a good look for you, to call a riot an insurrection and expect people to take you serious. It was bad, yet NOT what it's being made out to be by your drama queens in The Fourth Realm.