Times Of Heroes(A TimeZone Sub-Series) is a superhero based, kid friendly, yet still action packed game developed by both Activision and Treyarch, and presented by Black Cat Studios. The plot follows 3 canines, Jackson Alexander(the fox), David Montreal(the green suit) and Brett Alexander Park(the red rings) as they protect the City of Toons from every imaginable evildoer ranging from ordinary criminals to the Red Kobra. Their pursuit for law and order will not stop until the streets are safe.
Gameplay: Like a standard LEGO game, but in first person. Controls are pretty basic and easy to understand.
Difficulties: Below, there are 5 difficulties.
- Originist(very easy)
- Not Bad(easy)
- You get it!(Normal)
- Almost Mastered!(Hard)
- Complete hero!(Impossible)
Price(in store): $15.99(all packs pre-installed)
Price(on XBOX STORE): Free, but with packs to buy(which cost $3.99 each)