depends on the religion tbh
Tbh I don't really like religions but I believe in Christianity, it's not really a factor of whether I like it as it is a factor of whether or not it's true, and it makes a lot more sense to me than anything else
what I really don't like about them is how ppl in them can be toxic af and try to write you off as pagan for struggling with something that's banned in the religion when there could be support groups for how to overcome those kinds of things. I believe the Bible would support such an idea but sadly many Christians don't really think of it and it's a lot easier to just think of yourself as "better than those filthy degenerates" than to actually invest in people like that, even though the Bible says that's our job
for example, some ppl may say you're "not following Christianity" bc you curse or listen to music with foul language or watch movies and TV shows with questionable content, or just even because you don't like rules in general (I don't, and pretty much everyone in my life loves rules and are extremely strict about them, [including younger siblings] so I'm not really allowed to have that opinion anywhere I go)
Tbh Christianity might be the least extreme offender in this regard though, especially since it is the only religion where the God of the religion doesn't act like that, but that doesn't mean the community doesn't. Also in religions like Islam, people disown and possibly even kill their own relatives for leaving the Islamic faith, and it's encouraged in the Quran. Hinduism was a social ladder (or a caste system) and it was all about worth, so you were constantly trying to be worthy of the god. Thats how Greek and Roman mythology worked (worthiness). Pretty much most religions' gods are like that, but Christianity's God isn't.