"The whining, weak, brittle, fragile, delicate, feeble, puny, victim mentality of the MAGA movement is one of the most transparently sad, snowflakey, and pitiful movements really in American history. The incessant; whining followed by the usual deflection of some harsh attack that reasonable adults would eschew has really reached a boiling point in my tolerance of typical and normal political dialogue. The MAGA movement has; become an infectious disease of helplessness and victimhood unlike any I can remember. Donald Trump himself is a master victim, suing everyone, everything, yelling loudly about how he is a poor victim of the 'deep; state,' Rinos, DOJ, FBI, China, Germany, Mars, the sun, and any other possible force of nature. But his victim mentality has spread to the GOP at large, and it's the most annoying and destructive force in the; nation. Seriously. This infection has destroyed the GOP."; - GOPer-turned-sanity-positive evangelist Adam Kinzinger going scorched-earth on Trump, his cult, calling them out for the pitiful gaggle of deranged crybabies they are.