It's a Linguistic TRAP. Don't fall for it. Racism is Racism is Racism... Bigotry is Bigotry is Bigotry... We don't need a special category for those terms, that applies to only one group.
And of course we now have the IHR definition which conflates "Anti-Semitism" - with any criticism of the Genocidal Zionist-Apartheid Entity. It's completely bogus and counter-productive to rational thought. I stopped using the term back in the 1990's, when the inherently contradictory nature of the term was pointed out to me, in a class at University. I would encourage everyone to come around to this way of thinking, and speaking - and I believe that you should, too. Language creates meaning between people based upon mutual agreement and understanding.
Just say "Anti-Jewish Bigotry" - if that's what you really mean.
Semite means a descendant of Shem - as opposed to Ham or Japeth... It's a non-sensical proposition all the way around. Under this Biblically originated racial classification system the whole world is descendants of the three sons of Noah. Shem was thought to be "white", Ham was thought to be "black", and Japeth Asian... It's obviously nonsense.