Most people WANT the same kind of game. It’s only a problem if the original formula is fundamentally broken.
People aren’t mad at Far Cry 4, 5, and 6 because they’re revisions of Far Cry 3. They’re mad at them because they’re revisions of a game formula that was uninspiring, boring, and lame to begin with. Far Cry 3 is a bad game. The game didn’t get old, it was just never good to begin with.
On the flip side, the Yakuza games reuse gameplay loops, maps, and assets all the time, and everyone loves them. Why? Because the fundamentals of the gameplay, progression, side content, and stories are amazing every time.
We always complain about how the Call of Duty games are all the same but we can’t help ourselves from buying them. Why? Because the formula they’re copying from each other is fun! People love the old COD games.