Oh, I see, you discriminate against minorities.
You realize the "trans" people you champion are a minority group as well do you not?
So, by your self lauded logic, one must extrapolate that they are wrong.
Thank you for clearing up that debate once and for all.
I am unconcerned about whether I am grazing with the minority or majority herds, it doesn't change my opinion.
It is true that in a democracy it is majority rule.
But you err by failing to considering the fact that you do not live in a democracy but a representative republic.
If the majority ruled in a representative republic Hillary would have been president.
Take a moment to let that absorb.
Ready for me to continue?
Have you thought that I am not concerned with their circumstances?
I not a matter of my being oblivious to their circumstances, it is their demonstration that they are oblivious to their own circumstances.
The time to be concerned with your circumstances is BEFORE you back that thang up.
They aren't in a good place to raise a child but they are in a good place to open them legs wide and receive the semen?
See, I knew you were advocating recreational abortion (baby murder) under the guise of prenatal anomalies.
Why the "feeling around" to determine my sex, religious beliefs if any and political leanings?
Does any of that make a difference?
There are no female, atheist, Islamic, Baptist, Jewish, Hindu, church of satan, etc., democrat, liberal, leftist, independent, apolitical, etc., opponents of baby murder?
Is that your contention?
And what happened to the "gender is a social construct" nonsense?
Does that only apply when victim signaling?
My gender has no bearing, again, by extrapolation of your stream of logic.
Educate myself on what exactly?
Bigotry towards baby murder opponents?
Excuse making?
Moral compass repair?
Closed minded studies?
Send me a syllabus on this silliness.
Will I have to repay any loans required for the tuition to take these courses?