Lay: Whoa what the hell happened?
Rizu: Nothing, I just killed Ripley is all
Lay: Oh, I thought I did that
Rizu: Nah, he came back, he also killed Milo’s mom and Larry, your creator and technically your father
Lay: ... oh
Rizu: Yea, sorry you weren't there to help
Lay: Maybe if I actually killed him, nobody would've died
Rizu: You did, he just came back
Lay: But what if I made sure he was dead, nobody would've gotten hurt, especially Milo, he didn't deserve this
Rizu: Hey, this isn't your fault, here, I got you something
Lay: Really?
Rizu pulls out a small wrapped box, and gives it to Lay
He opens it, and there's a bar of soap in it
Rizu: Its some fancy Andromedan soap!
Lay gasps
Lay: Thank youuuuu