I don't understand your question. If a black French soldier dies - fighting a colonial-settler war, in Africa, it's the black Frenchman who's more likely to be "racist", like the French Imperialists and the cause that he's fighting for - than the people whose country he's in, and trying to conquer, through murder and theft, and perhaps r*pe as well.
The same is true with the Zionist Abomination in occupied Palestine.
And YES, the Palestinians have been the victims, here, since at least 1917, when the Zionist and Imperialist crimes against them began, in earnest. Prior to that point Palestinians had offered a place of refuge to Jews, just as the entire muslim and Arab world had done, since the expulsions from Spain in 1492, and probably even earlier.
The body counts are tremendously lopsided, when we look at the outcomes of the back-and-forth struggles, almost all of which have occurred after Lord Balfour's declaration, in a letter to a Rothschild.
Take a look at IfAmericansKnew.org . They have kept a running count since 2000, at least. It's another bungalows vs. skyscrapers graph - and the Kushners are building the skyscrapers.
And LET'S BE CLEAR... indigenous populations, resisting violent displacement, and Genocidal Settler-Colonial Violence - have a RIGHT, under International Law, to armed resistance. That doesn't equate to "Terrorism". Foreign occupiers have no such right, under International Law.