Oh.. its a long story and its still going. so it begins like this, Batim1234567890/Me was commenting on Animevacs post that said nobody can stop mepios and after i said that theres people who can easily beat him like Doomguy or Marcus Fennix. then he starts being a total F*ckin asshole, and all he does is post about mepios(a deviant art user responsible for manipulating users into destroying fandoms, killing cartoon characters and traumatizing users with gore art of there OCS and favorite characters). so i told him that Mepios is not a very great person to be supporting. now hes bullying me and trying to spread lies about me. hes a litteral Crybaby and will defend mepios, he will cry to mods and spam Flags on anybodys comments. recently hes done 2 things. one:he made my brother commit suicide because he made a art of mepios killing Daniel Tiger(my brother was already depressed because he lost his dog and his girlfriend ditched him, he needed so much Love and support), so now hes responsible for somones suicide. 2:he made a art of mepios killing my character Cally Katson. it cause me to burst into tears of rage and pure sadness. Animevac is nothing but a possibly underage user who bullies people who dont like mepios(which is everyone). and nd animevacs made at least 600 posts about mepios. he posts the same shit every time. its the following same shit everytime:Anti Pedophile,zoophile,NSFW and mainly. Mepios. if mepios is taken down and animevac is banned.
may both of them rot in hell and be violently and brutally murdered for there crimes...