Yesterday, one of the Golden Rhinos attacked Lego City Cop, who is part of Team Morshu, and allied to Team Earth. They are now KOS, which is KILL ON SIGHT. I want everyone to be aware of this NOW, so we can prevent the Golden Rhinos from killing one of our own, even if we have to make personal sacrifices. Are you sure this is wise? The Golden Rhino's can be pretty tough. Take my experience. Once fought 15 of them, ran out of ammo before I managed to kill only 5. I'm a likely target. I once bumped into them too while fighting for Brooklyn before I joined, they didn't care about me. There's also a chance that I'm taken out to lessen our numbers, so let's keep our eyes out. Perhaps you'll need firepower to take them down, how about an AC-130? F**king Brilliant. We'll definitely need the gunship.