interact with irl friends at least once a week: i have no friends and don't want any, so it's impossible
doesn't go to therapist: not right now, even with my crazy mental health issues — my parents are planning to sign me up for one eventually but we haven't done a lot about it (i should've gone with red for this, but oh well)
not obsessed with fictional character: i *am* a bit obsessed with my own fictional character(s) but only because i want to further improve them (since they're part of one big universe), and obviously i'm not gonna ship them or do some other stupid bullcrap like that :skull:
have a plan for the future: nope lmao, but i don't really need one, we have no idea how the future will turn out, but most likely we'll be screwed anyways
capable of normal speech: i >can< speak normally, but only if i want to, and a BIG emphasis on the "if i want to"...that said, if someone talks to me about a topic i am interested in and know about (e.g. cars, outer space) then you can bet that i'll talk about it a crap ton