*traveler walked to the entrance, and the door opened*
*Behind the door, an old man, the old Dojo Master*
*They talked and he invited Traveler in, but Traveler first showed Elias and the Dojo Master understood*
*A little after, they both were in the main garden of the Dojo, where everyone would train and learn*
Traveler: Thank you for your hospitality
*The Dojo Master walked inside*
Elias: So when do we start??
Traveler: Training your body can wait, mastering the Blade is like master Chess, you need technique and strategy
If you don't own both, you can't win a fight.
Elias: :/
Traveler: Sit down *he sits down on the ground*
*Elias sits down too*
Traveler: Wielding a sword might be easy, but using it requires concentration and precision.
Swinging your sword from side to side hoping to hit won't bring you to victory, all it takes is one slash.
Elias: Oh... so when can we star-
Traveler: Silence.
Elias: ... :I
Traveler: If you learn and follow under my teaching, your battles will end with one single strike. Even the toughest, stone-skined foes will fall