(kk. Creekshadow is from a whole new gen of cats I created, so I just wanted to ask. I also read OotS book one, like, 3 years ago lmao)
Creekshadow: how long hanve to been training here? *she licks one of her paws before cleaning behind one of her ears*
*Panic rose in Pebblenose's chest. She wanted to run, but she was rooted to the spot. She couldn't leave Briarhook, not again. There was no waking up to escape. Her claws dug into the mud and her teeth gritted.*
"Fine with me." Tigerstar whips around and pins her, tearing through her thick pelt. Briarhook stands weakly and snarls, pouncing on Tigerstar and throwing him away from Pebblenose.
*She bit her tongue to bite down a cry as Briarhook was flung. She wormed about to try and slip out of Tigerstar's grip, swinging her claws up at his face*
(God, this is going to make an epic drawing if motivation is kind to me)
*She staggers, placing a paw over where she was slashed. She shook her head and got her act together. This wasn't a border skirmish or a sparring match. This was life or death. She launched herself at Tigerstar, grappling his shoulders and trying to bite past fur*
"I want to trust that, believe me, I do. But I'd feel like I was lying to myself if I weren't at least a little worried. You're my clanmate, and my friend. I know I'm allowed to worry about myself too, but, well, Clan comes first I suppose."
"Clan may come first sometimes but other times you need to put yourself first." [i'm such a hypocrite dude i put my friends way before myself all of the time lmao]
"...Fine. I'll do my best to look out for myself, but that won't stop my worrying. I still plan to fret over you too so don't you go trying to stop me."
[right ty]
"Oh. Yeah, they do. Is Tigerstar the reason Briarhook is all scratched up and bleeding?" Briarhook nods, then pauses to look down at his wounds. A few spots on his torso have come free from the cobwebs and are bleeding openly.
“Good idea. Anyways, Ivypool. Briar hook and I were going to spy on the Dark Forest, but we were caught almost immediately.”
*She paused for a moment*
“I also wanted to apologize for what happened to Birchfall. I had to kill him in order to prove my loyalty, but I didn’t, and Tigerstar got to him and i just hope he’s alright.”
*Pebblenose knew she didn’t have to take blame, but it felt wrong to not at least share her condolences*
He playfully flicks her ear with his tail. "It'd have to be a huuuge thorn to do that amount of damage!" Someone calls his name and he turns. "I'll be back soon, okay?'
"Birchfall, he's..." He shook his head. "I saw Ivypool and Whitewing scrambling around in the forest looking for cobwebs. I asked Whitewing what was happening and she said Birchfall was bleeding out from wounds on his throat."
"It wasn't your fault, I know it wasn't. He m-must've tried going back to sleep and gone back to the Dark Forest, so Tigerstar saw him and killed him for you." He kneaded at the ground nervously. "When you go to sleep tonight, let me know so I can sleep as well and protect you from Tigerstar should he try and hurt you.."
*The day went by. Pebblenose returned from her patrol around Sunhigh, poking her head into the warriors den to check on Briarhook. She had a small fish hanging from her jaws.*
He smiles and bounds ahead to Tigerstar and Hawkfrost. "Tigerstar! Pebblenose and I believe it's time for her to become a warrior!" [shall i be tigerstar?]
Tigerstar nods at her. "Well then. I believe you have what it takes to become a loyal and strong Dark Forest warrior. To truly become one..." Tigerstar looks around and his eye catches on Birchfall. "Birchfall! Come here." He looks back at Pebblenose. "Defeat Birchfall in battle."
*She looked to the ThunderClan tom and nodded. She could do that. Her chin rose a bit. And Tigerstar's words. He believed in her. If he of all cats had faith in her, then there was no way she could screw this up, right?*
Birchfall looked at Tigerstar and then Pebblenose with wide eyes. "I...Will she have to kill me?"
Tigerstar glanced around. "Of course she will. That's how she becomes a warrior."
*Pebblenose's confidence was instantly torn away. She'd have to kill him? She could handle an escalated sparring session but... the only thing her claws had ever killed was prey. She couldn't imagine taking the life of another cat. She shot an unsure glance to Briarhook, doing her best to hide it from Tigerstar.*
*Pebblenose nodded, regret setting in. Was she really prepared for this? What would she have to do? She turned to lick a still-stinging scratch from her previous training clean.*
"I would assume so. I bet you'll ace your test so quickly and perfectly that Tigerstar'll make you his deputy!" He let out a 'mrrow' of laughter, flicking Pebblenose's ear with his tail playfully.
[Hell 💀]
"Hm. Yes, they must have a plan hidden by the lie that they're telling everyone, which is that they're training them to become the best warrior in their clan."
"Definitely. We want to help out as much as we can, so we were wondering if perhaps you could help us spy in our place. At least report what you learn to us. We can make this our meeting spot."
"Mhm." He shuts his eyes and sighs, then opens them. "Oh! What if, when we fall asleep and wake up in the Forest, we head for Starclan? I bet Leopardstar would be there, she'd help us!"
*She nodded, a bit hesitantly. Would StarClan even be willing to help? Even if they had turned their backs on the Dark Forest, but was that enough? She decided not to voice these concerns to Briarhook. At the very least, should things go well, she could see where she stood.*
As normal, the two wake up in the Dark Forest. Briarhook nudges her, shifting his weight from side to side. "Pebblenose, come on, I hear cats coming this way."
"She said she'd tell Jayfeather at the half-moon meeting tonight. We'll meet Ivypool at the ThunderClan halfbridge. It'll be a bit of a trek. You sure you're up to it?"
"Hmm... Well... What's the most interesting thing you've seen on patrol? I was on the dusk patrol once and almost got whacked in the face by this massive moth. It was bigger than my face, the thing! It was terrifying!"
In the warrior den, Mothwing is applying a poultice to his wounds, following it by tightly packed cobwebs. Briarhook is breathing shakily, but still alive.
Mothwing sat up from where she was licking at a particularly nasty gouge on his side and pushed a few poppy seeds to Briarhook. He licked them up and settled back into his nest.
[i keep using different tenses omfg lmao i'll go from "twitches" to "settled" 💀]
*She stopped herself. She didn't want to have any more explaining to do. She just had to hope the seeds would let Briarhook sleep peacefully. She settled down at his side.*
His tail twitches again in his sleep, but he doesn't seem to be in pain. The poppy seeds must've put him in such a deep sleep that he isn't even dreaming.
*Pebblenose sighed in tired relief. The best she could do now was stay awake. StarClan knows what would happen if she were to go back. She shuddered at the thought*
Briarhook steps closer. "Pebblenose, it wasn't your fault. If anything, it's mine for asking Tigerstar to make you a warrior. I'm going to help you and protect you no matter what, okay?"
[sorry if i don't respond my motivation is down the damn drain rn T-T 'm trying my best]
He sighed shakily and laid back down to let the med cats patch his wounds.
"Yes, he will. He just needs to wake up. I've sent Yellowfang to try and enter Willowshine's dreams and prepare her for Briarhook's arrival in the medicine den."
*She curled up in her own nest. Was sleeping a good idea, though? What if she went back? She'd be dead on sight. But not sleeping would make her a hypocrite, wouldn't it? She lay her head on her paws. She'd just have to hope.*
Briarhook and Mothwing stand over her, Briarhook opening his mouth to explain. "Jayfeather said he'll send Ivypool to the Halfbridge by moonhigh, and it's pretty close to there."
[lol alrighty]
Briarhook hisses and scratches at Tigerstar to no avail. The bigger tom digs his claws into Briarhook's torso and snarls. "Where's Pebblenose?" Briarhook shuts his eyes and looks away, flicking his tail at Pebblenose as if telling her to wake up and get out of the Forest.
*Pebblenose stiffened, wanting to fight but being told to flee. She backed into the bushes, commanding herself to wake up and listen. It took more than she'd have liked to actually do it. Head shooting up in her nest, she gasped for breath. She'd been holding it for too long.*
A few moments later, Briarhook's eyes shoot open and he gasps for breath. His pelt is torn in multiple different places, all of which are bleeding profusely. On his neck is aa shallow bite as if he woke up before Tigerstar could finish the killing blow.
Mothwing runs forward as Willowshine ducks into the nest for herbs. Two kits try to sneak after her but are cuffed over the ears by a queen, who bundles them back into the nursery.
They made it to the Halfbridge and saw Ivypool sitting on the edge. Her ears pricked up and she turned around to see the two cats. "Hello. You're Pebblenose, right?"
He giggled. "I imagine one of the medicine cats will be having a vision from Starclan any day now predicting the fall of the Clans because of that one squirrel."
*She yowled triumphantly, claws digging into the moss beneath her. Yes, it would fall. Soon. They weren't going to let another cat get hurt. They gazed at the exit to the den. How many other cats milling about camp walked with the Dark Forest like they had? They wouldn't have to anymore soon. They swore that to themself*
His breathing evens out as he falls asleep and wakes up in the Dark Forest, right in front of Tigerstar. The bigger tom pins down Briarhook with a triumphant yowl.
*Pebblenose let out a tiny noise that would've been a scream had it not been so unprepared to be. A mousy little squeak. She stumbled back, all so prey-like. Had Tigerstar been waiting for them? How? How did he always know just where they were?*
He snapped his jaws, narrowly missing her throat. Behind them, Ivypool and Tigerheart came padding up to see what was happening. Tigerheart hissed with joy and Ivypool gasped.
Ivypool launches herself at Tigerstar and pins him down, tearing at his belly with her back paws. Tigerheart gently drags Briarhook away from the fighting, towards the Starclan border.
*Pebblenose nodded gratefully to both and jumped in to help Ivypool hold down Tigerstar. She held down a paw and swiped at his face. She had to buy Briarhook and Tigerheart as much time was she could*
He hisses with pain but is unable to get the two cats off of him. Tigerheart comes racing back from the Starclan border and helps pin down Tigerstar as well.
"You're down, Tigerstar. I think we've won this fight. We can handle this two ways. Option one: you scurry away, tail between your legs. Or, option two: we have one less cat to deal with here."
*She would much rather have the second option, but she wasn't about to show that. Bad thoughts, she reminded herself. Those were bad thoughts.*
*Pebblenose flinched back at her lack of hesitation, though she is somewhat relieved that she didn't have to do it herself. She stepped back, off of Tigerstar. Her shoulders sag with relief and exhaustion and her eye still stung*
*It wasn't entirely a lie. Once or twice she'd even tried to avoid sleep altogether. But being put on patrol while sleep deprived was almost as rough as the scolding she'd get from her Dark Forest mentors for being absent.*
Jayfeather shrugged and padded over to Briarhook to make sure he was okay while Lionblaze put the poultice and cobwebs over Pebblenose's eye and her other wounds.
*He's going to live, she assured herself. StarClan said so. She just had to calm herself. He was in safe paws now. Tigerstar was gone. All was alright. It was over.*
"Did you... y'know... do that? Or did you fake it like I did?"
*She looked up, hoping for the latter. She already couldn't quite look at the tom the same knowing he was training here too. But knowing that he'd passed that assessment the right way... She shook her head. Best not to think like that.*
*She nodded and stood up, teeth gritted against the sting. At least here she was able to show she was in pain. Pebblenose nudged her way out of the den and waited for Briarhook to follow*
[ight i'm back]
Briarhook nods. "Yeah, I get that too." He looks around at her paw, then the few drops of blood dripping from her belly. "Oh! Mothwing, she needs something on her belly too, it's scratched as well."
"Yeah, just be careful running. I'll tell Mistystar and Reedwhisker to not assign you to any hunting patrols because crouching and brushing your belly fur against the ground could take off the cobwebs."
*She stood and padded into the clearing. Even if they didn’t have patrols, they were in a good enough mood to socialize with some other of her clanmates.*
"No, no, just ask her to tell Jayfeather to tell Ivypool we want to meet her. If we just wait at the border, a patrol without her could catch us and then Mistystar and Firestar would be upset.
Willowshine scampers over and nudges Pebblenose into a nest. Jayfeather carefully pokes his head into the den. "Mothwing? Willowshine? Are you in here?'
"All wounds are of high priority. While Mothwing and Willowshine take care of Briarhook, I'll see what Lionblaze and I can do with your wounds." Lionblaze padded into the nest and stood next to his brother.
She nods and looks down. "I believe it's becoming morning for the Clans. You might want to wake up. And tonight, when you fall asleep, hurry to Starclan. I will be waiting along the border for you to make sure you're safe.
“Alright. So, Briarhook and I have been training in the Dark Forest for the past moons. We… broke off after I faked my assessment battle. We decided we’d try spying, but we were found out. We thought to speak with StarClan. It succeeded once. We were attacked by Tigerstar. Tigerheart, Ivypool and I thought we’d killed him. Apparently not. And now here we are.”
Firestar nodded. "Ivypool will continue spying on the Forest to make sure we know what they're planning and when they'll attack. For you two, I'll have Jayfeather talk to Leopardstar tonight and make sure she knows to wait for you at the Dark Forest and Starclan border."
Behind them, a cat lets out a yowl and the pawsteps shift to chase after the two Riverclan cats. Briarhook hisses but keeps running. The forest around them lightens and they soon emerge in the hunting grounds of Starclan. Bluestar and Yellowfang jump back in fright, then Yellowfang stomps up to the two younger cats. "Who are you? Why are you here?"
*Pebblenose stood still for a moment, unable to respond. She looked around, awestruck. StarClan's grounds were something no average warrior would see with their own eyes. She snapped herself out of it and turned to Yellowfang*
"We're so sorry to barge in here. We aren't exactly in the good graces of the cats over that border. We came from RiverClan in hopes that StarClan would help us."
*She dipped her head so low it may as well have brushed the grass. So green.*
Bluestar steps forward. "Then you'll want to see Leopardstar, I'd assume? I'm Bluestar, former leader of Thunderclan. Yellowfang can go get Leopardstar."
*Looking over the old leader, something about her felt familiar. Pebblenose couldn’t put a claw on it. She looked away, smiling hopefully to Briarhook.*
He smiles back as he sits down. A few moments later, Yellowfang comes back with Leopardstar, who bounds over to the two cats. "Briarpaw, Pebblepaw, why are you here?" [let's just say they were apps when she died ig cause idk
*Pebblenose nodded and took a deep breath. She opened her good eye and she was back in her nest. She ought to get that looked at. Right now though, she just wanted to process. Her stinging shoulders slumped*
Willowshine, Mothwing and Mistystar come running into the medicine den. The two med cats lift Briarhook so he's laying across their backs while Mistystar crouches in front of Pebblenose. "Pebblenose! Can you see me? What all happened?!"
"Don't worry, there's plenty of time for you to explain. In the meantime, come with me to the medicine den. Jayfeather, Ivypool, Lionblaze, and Firestar of Thunderclan and Tigerheart from Shadowclan are on their way here to help us understand what's going on."
Leopardstar let Pebblenose lean against her as they headed for the den. Willowshine and Mothwing are already rushing about for wet moss, cobwebs, and herbs.
He smiles and nods, bounding away to the pile. It takes a long time for him to come back but when he does, it's with a fresh fish about the size of his ear. "Here! There were no little ones on the pile so I went out and caught a little one myself!"
"Okay, thank you. Tell Mothwing if your wound opens back up. Oh, and I'll go on another patrol later with the apprentices and one or two of their mentors to show them the best places to find the best and strongest reeds and feathers for a softer nest for you."
He nods slightly and lets out a gargled yowl, falling limp and fading away as he wakes up. Tigerstar pads over. "Good job, Pebblenose. You are now a warrior of the Dark Forest. Be loyal and strong."
*Pebblenose nodded solemnly, There was a well of pride in her chest that she wished would go away just as much as she enjoyed the comfort it gave. The rank hadn't been earned. How long did she have until that was found out?*
"Thanks but... I don't know. This feels wrong. And not just because it wasn't legitimate. I mean- I was getting ready to kill someone! Don't you think..."
He nudges her deeper into the bushes as Ivypool walks past, followed by Hawkfrost. Ivypool's eyes flick to the bushes and she smiles faintly but keeps walking.