i've never given relationship advice before (for the simplest reason ever: i've never been in a relationship before) but here's my guesses:
two questions about yourself:
- are you sure you 100% have a crush on her?
- are you a risk taker?
for question 1, this is important because it may be your brain instinctively acting without full control — not too well known science fact, humans emit some kind of odor thing (idk the exact details, sorry) and there are chances that two of these may match, and if they do match, the brain may instinctively turn your head towards the other person emitting the odor thing, though this isn't always guranteed and is of course rare in the first place (i've never seen this happen irl so it might just be fake entirely, but again, idk the exact details) — if you really do have a crush on her and it's not just your brain going instinct mode, move to the next question
for number 2, it's pretty obvious that the odds are against you based on what information you've given — but if you feel like you're lucky and think you can clutch it despite the odds then go for it i guess. but if you're anything like me who avoids risk taking at all costs then it just absolutely isn't worth it